
I’m Ash Dunbabin

Product Manager

As an experienced Product Manager, I consider myself a passionate builder who thrives on uncovering and defining problems through data-driven and customer-centric approaches. Collaborating with engineers, designers, and other professionals, I transform these problems into innovative solutions. With a strong Agile background, I have a proven track record of assembling and nurturing exceptional development teams. Additionally, my diverse career background has honed my ability to effectively communicate and engage with stakeholders and individuals from various backgrounds.


My Experience


Aug 2022

Aug 2022

Feb 2022

Feb 2022

Feb 2020

Feb 2020

Jun 2015

6 Months 2015
Apr 2015

Jun 2013

Masters Degree (Software Architecture) - Queensland University of Technology

Various contract roles while studying

During this time, I completed my undergraduate degree, worked in various contract and casual roles while studying, and started my Master's Degree in Software Architecture.

5 Years 2013
Australian Army - Various Locations & Positions

I have been fortunate to serve in the Australian Army. I loved being involved in an organisation that valued hard work, teamwork, and a mission greater than the self. My time in the military was life-shaping; I rate it as one of my career and life highlights.

Download my PDF CV

My Interests

Virtual Reality

VR Headset

I've been hacking around with an Oculus Rift since 2016 with great interest. With Oculus Quest 2, we nearly have devices that the masses can adopt.

I am very interested in working in this space as I see it as the next huge leap for humanity.

Web Development / Programming

Laravel Framework
Laravel Logo

I have worked professionally as a Web Developer. Although I have realised my talent is more in Product Management, I still love the technical challenge of code. I believe that maintaining currentness in modern technologies helps Product Managers understand complexity and developer challenges.

I have been using the Laravel Framework for several years and rate it as one of the best Frameworks to work with.


F1 - F2 - F3 - Supercars - S5000
F1 Sketch of a Car

I love the engineering challenge of motorsport. I find it fascinating that teams can spend vast sums of money pursuing a tenth of a second improvement to lap time.

I have been fortunate to work in motorsport within my chosen field of Product Management. I rate this experience at the top of my professional experience.

I still love to just watch and enjoy the sport and can be regularly seen sneaking out of bed to watch late night races!


AFL - Cricket - Rugby Union
AFL Ball

Sport has played a significant role in my life. Growing up and well into my adult life, I have enjoyed playing Football (AFL), Cricket, Basketball and more. While the days of contact sport may be behind me, I still enjoy touch-footy and the occasional hit of golf.

Recently I have started the expensive and mostly painful sport of Mountain Biking. I may need to rethink contact sport as mountain biking is really a contact sport - except you hit rocks and trees!